Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Improving the best grilled cheese sandwich

In 2022, I wrote an article on Medium about The Two Secrets to the Best Grilled Cheese Sandwich. The two secrets are to do these two simple things: (1) use mayonnaise instead of butter, and (2) use real American cheese.  I included a bonus secret: use plain white, square sandwich bread.

That's about it. It's near perfection.  But "near perfection" still leaves room for improvement, or at least variation without loss of quality.  Here are two more things you can do to add variety to the perfect grilled cheese.

Using two slices of cheese, of course, sprinkle some crumbled feta or blue cheese or gorgonzola (which is more green than blue, to my eyes) between the slices before assembling the sandwich.  This will add a bit of salt and umami flavors, although American cheese is already pretty salty.

Try Fontina cheese instead of American.  This melts just about as well, but with a bit different flavor profile.  You could also try Mexican Chihuahua cheese, but you may have to go to a Mexican supermercado to get it.  It's a rare find in a mainstream supermarket, even in the Southwest US, where they often have an entire section of Mexican cheeses.

When something is so near perfect, almost every change is a downgrade.  These tweaks aren't downgrades, which is something else.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Should Companies Be Owned by Their Workers?

 Freakonomics Radio asked this question last month.  They weren't sure.  But they thought it was interesting to interview Pete Stavros, a senior executive at private capital firm KKR.  Stavros observed that employee-owned companies were 2% more profitable than conventionally owned ones, and he convinced KKR to give a form of employee equity to some of their own companies.  Stavros seems sincere in his belief that he's found a win-win combination that benefits both the private equity firm and the employees, but if you think about it a bit more deeply, you discover that his pitch is an illusion.

When it institutes employee ownership, it gives employees shares in the company, which gives them a stake in the company's success.  The idea that owners must inevitably exploit their workers in order to maximize profits is deeply ingrained in the thinking of KKR's kind of capitalist, so much that they were surprised that workers with a stake in their company were more productive.  Communist Russian dictator Josef Stalin was also surprised, when he allowed families to farm small plots of land for their individual use, in addition to the faceless collective that the New Soviet Man would slave for, and the private farms were more productive.

But unlike the Stalin-era farmer, and unlike traditional Employee Stock Ownership Programs (ESOPs), the kind of ownership given to KKR workers is an illusion, not as good as profit sharing (profit sharing is also good, despite it not coming with any "ownership"), since it exposes the workers to capital losses as well as capital gains, and gives the true owners, the KKR managers, another way to blame the workers instead of themselves when purchased companies ultimately fail.

"Ownership" is real only when it includes control.  This would mean giving the employees a seat on the board of directors, and giving employee shares voting power for board seats in the same way that shares in conventional public companies come with the ability and responsibility to vote for board members.  You can bet the KKR would never go for such an arrangement.

The best form of employee ownership, even beyond ESOPs, is to become a fully owned employee co-op.  But even more than ESOPs, co-ops are complicated to set up, and their advantages may even be opposed by deep aspects of human psychology.  Investigating that will be another blog post.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Why the Xerox Star failed

"That trick never works!" - Rocket J. Squirrel


Single-purpose machines built by lone geniuses for other lone geniuses don't scale.

The Xerox Star was an attempt to commercialize the pioneering computers that emerged from Xerox's PARC labs in the 1970s.  They started with machines called the Alto, and continued with Dorados, Dolphins, Dandelions, and Daybreaks, which came to be called D-Machines, all running (mostly) the same software.  They were a marvel for their day, and had all of the components of today's windowing PCs from Apple and Microsoft, but years earlier. The story of how the Star came to be and how Xerox came to abandon it is a complex one, and like the system itself, the full story is distributed across many obscure places that are not entirely consistent with each other.

But I think that the big picture reasons for its failure get lost in the soap opera details, and are worth a few words.  Obviously, Star had to be released too soon for its technology. Many of the reasons for its lack of broad adoption can be traced to the speed of its underlying electronics; and much of the architectural and usability weirdness of the various models of computer in its history can be traced to attempts to compensate for this basic problem.  Fifteen years later, Apple introduced the Macintosh, with almost the same capabilities, but with a commodity microprocessor CPU instead of custom designs made from bit-slice processor elements, at a tenth the price.  The Star had died out by then, but the Mac continues on to this day.

What kicked the Mac over the top into the realm of success was its developer ecosystem.  Technically, the Macintosh and Star developer models were very similar.  In the early days of the Mac, it wasn't possible to use it for development of its own Mac software -- developers had to use the substantially more expensive and powerful Lisa, and then test and distribute their applications on a separate Macintosh unit.  This was the same process that had been used for the Star, where developers used a Mesa development environment, and then deployed the results to the Star environment.

The difference was that there were already a lot of Apple II developers who were excited to move up to the new and awesome Lisa system.   I was a grad student when the Lisa was released, and one of my friends got one -- he must have spent a substantial part of his meager life savings on it.  The business and research communities that were available to Xerox in its own time could not match that kind of commitment.

The community that developed the Star was small and exclusive. I happened to be attached to a PARC-adjacent computing community in the mid 1970s and there were rumors of amazing things going on over there, but exactly what was never clear. It was impossible to tell from the outside, but much later it emerged that the PARC computing community was internally even more fragmented than it appeared to be This turned out to be typical for an entire stream of computer research history, but the phenomenon was particularly acute at PARC, and its effects showed up in fundamental aspects of the D-machine architecture.

Notably, there wasn't really a "D-machine architecture". There were high-level visions of what might be possible in a world where every person had their own computer beside their desk, but everyone had a different version of that vision. PARC had been staffed with some of the most brilliant, creative, and independent computer researchers to be found, and they created Promethean hardware frameworks that could be elaborated into whatever their application vision required.

The result was that a given D-machine could become one of four different computers, depending on who was using it at any given time. A relatively tame instance provided for programming in the BCPL, Mesa, and Cedar languages under the control of a command line interface in its windowed development environment, Tajo. Starting the machine with a different microcode load would turn it into an office workstation providing a suite of word processing and publishing tools with the now-familiar windows, icons and folders metaphors, but without software development ability. Other microcode created a  Lisp Machine running Interlisp-D, or a dedicated Smalltalk machine. The microcode and even the device drivers for each environment were unique and incompatible and the user communities for each one didn't seem to talk to each other, and their writings rarely even acknowledge their counterparts' existence.

A D-machine gave its user a vast amount of control and flexibility -- it could become whatever you could imagine, if only you had the talent, skills, and time to build it before your tenure at the lab expired and you had to go somewhere else. Collecting brilliant people and giving them access to the most advanced tools and letting them work on whatever they think they can be the most productive at is a standard strategy for top tier research labs, and it often produces marvelous results. PARC produced many marvelous things. However, creativity is unpredictable, and unpredictability is largely unworkable as an element of business strategy.

Xerox management turned out to be unable to solve the problem of herding its houseful of cats in a coherent direction that led to business success, and their inability to settle on a common machine language that would be tolerated by all their diverse projects is emblematic of their failure to achieve focus. Each external developer community was too small to provide Xerox with the volunteer support that it needed in order to attain a critical mass that contributed to business innovation in the way that DECUS or SHARE did for DEC and IBM, or that Apple enjoyed in a less organized way, instead of draining energy and R&D funds.  Whether that critical mass was possible given the other limitations of the technology is impossible to say, but there's no evidence that Xerox or PARC management had any notion that customers could be creative contributors to a product in a way beyond passive consumption.  It would take another two or three technology cycles before the idea of a "platform" became a common sense aspect of business strategy.

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Two great lies in financial policy

It's not a lie if everyone believes it, is it?

I'm still not sure which of these should be first.  They've both been distorting financial policies for decades.  They have so much history, that about all I can do here is name them.  If you can break out of the reality distortion field that sustains them, the fact that they're lies becomes self-evident.  It's tempting to call them "myths", because for many people they're articles of faith that must not be questioned.  But experts know, or should know, that they're empirical claims that can be falsified. And they have been.  Here's another try. An expanded version of this note is at Medium.

Lie No. 1: The proper rate of inflation is 2% annually.

Economists repeat this so often, it must be true. But historians at the New York Times and elsewhere have traced the history of the number back to a guy in New Zealand (an important guy in NZ at the time) who admitted that he just picked it because it seemed intuitively reasonable.  There's no theory to support this number. Two percent seems reasonable if you don't think too hard, so everyone goes with it.

If you look just a little bit deeper than "what everybody who's important is saying", you'll find that the US Federal Reserve Act, as amended in 1977, requires price stability, i.e. an inflation rate of 0%, not 2%.  Then you look at prices in the US, which have been controlled by the Federal Reserve system's policies, and see that the dollar has lost about 80% of its value since then.  That doesn't look like stability to me.

Lie No. 2: Public companies are required to maximize their short term investor returns.

This lie has been debunked many times, but tenaciously persists.  People complain about it all the time, but the alternative never seems to sink in.  I don't know why the competing soundbite is so slippery. Here's the truth: All companies are required to do whatever their owners specify (including public companies). If the owners want to give its assets away to charity, or run the company into the ground for political or competitive reasons, that's their prerogative.

Milton Friedman is most famously associated with the "shareholder value" dictum. In the most generous reading, this lie is predicated on a misunderstanding of how shareholders communicate with management.  If they can only communicate by buying or selling their shares, then the amount of information that owners can communicate to management is incredibly limited.  A purchase means "good work", and a sale means "you're doing something wrong".  That's it.  Exactly what is being done well or badly is impossible to communicate.

Yet anyone who's actually become an owner by purchasing stock knows that they have purchased more influence than this, both formally and informally. Shareholders choose members of a corporation's board of directors, who choose senior managers to execute their desires.  They also specifically influence company policies by voting on shareholder initiative statements.

Alas, in many corporations, management has effective control of the board rather than vice versa. Board members are chosen by the CEO and then submissively ratified by the broader population of shareholders.

In addition, a vicious cycle of greed exists where sociopathic individuals whose goal is to accumulate more money regardless of the cost to others and to the society that enables their greed, consequently accumulate more financial power to acquire even more money even more rapidly.

Governments attempt to limit the destruction that this cycle causes by anti-monopoly laws and regulatory agencies and regulations intended to ensure that effective markets exist where multitudes of interests can contend and mutually damp each others' excesses.

In heavily financialized modern economies, most of the shares of public companies are owned by huge funds that are themselves public companies, and this distancing of ownership makes communication of corporate goals other than making more profit very difficult. 

Getting large, bureaucratic organizations to change their behavior requires organized efforts, slogans and acronyms. One set of important not-specifically-profit oriented goals has become known as ESG, for Environmental, Social, and Governance oriented investing.  A goal complex called DEI, for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, is following ESG as an investment strategy that looks beyond mere short term profit. Additional ways for companies to explicitly step away from the "profit is everything" philosophy are to become incorporated as a "benefit corporation" or certified as "B Corporation".  Curiously, as a non-profit organization B Lab, the company that administers B Corporation certification, is not itself certified as one.

So with organizations tracking and publicizing these measures the market should see how organizing for social benefit gives greater returns, and self-correct.  Easy, right?  Not if politicians get in the way. The conquest of the profit motive by social goals in both left and right wing politics will be the stuff of history for many years to come.

Friday, February 23, 2024

What would world civilization look like if the US collapses?

Doomers' worst nightmare: a sustainable mid-tech, high culture global civilization, plagued by endless failing genocides.

Civilization would survive just fine. But it might not be a robust high-tech 21st century civilization. That might actually be a good thing - it's hard to tell. 

I've written an essay explaining how I came to this conclusion.  Medium says it should take about 8 minutes to read.  But if that's too long for you, here's an extended summary.

The United States in early 2024 is in a political situation where collapse into a quasi civil war like "the troubles" in Ireland seems like a possibility.  Elected politicians in Texas are calling for military-aided defiance of Federal authorities, supported by governors of 25 other states.  But unlike the first US Civil War in the 1860s, there is no sign of the creation of large state armies to oppose the US Army, and the states themselves are internally divided to the point where a next war would be as much of a "war within the states" as a "war between the states".   Nobody in the Texas Legislature is proposing to fund the Texas Military Department to a level where it would pose more than symbolic opposition to Federal forces.  It's more likely that violent opposition to the United States would take the form of "stochastic terrorism" (I prefer the term "freelance terrorism") - bombings and random mass shootings. Whether these could become focused enough to target Federal buildings and political gatherings seems doubtful.

But it's interesting to imagine what might happen if the US went into a collapse as deep as the Great Depression of the 1920s, that somehow became permanent.

The global impact of US collapse would span five realms: general economic activity, social and cultural activity, geopolitics, technological development, and environmental stability.

The loss of the US as an economic force would severely but not seriously damage the global economy. The Dollar would lose its role as the world's reserve currency, and this would have a tremendous impact. The World Bank, the Euro, and the Chinese Renminbi are waiting to take over if the situation becomes intolerable, though.

Global culture would not be significantly affected. High culture of symphonic music, fine art, and fashion has always been ruled by Europe, and would stay that way. 

Geopolitically, the long-predicted end of the Pax Americana would finally be realized, though the Great Game of pre-WWI colonialism is gone forever, never to return.  The Mideast would continue to be the same mess of intra-Islamic jihadism that it's been since the end of the Ottoman Empire.  China's dominance in the Far East would finally be unquestionable.

Attacks on Taiwan would lead to a major technological setback, since the most powerful semiconductors are made there by TSMC. Software to use the computational power of those semiconductor devices might lose its creative momentum that originates in Silicon Valley, The tech giants are fully globalized and can easily migrate transactions and data from their already fortified datacenters to ones in less unstable areas.

Advanced electric power technology would easily be able to fill in the gap caused by the loss of the US.

When it comes to transportation, the US is no longer the uncontested leader in technology, but only a participant in a close race. The US is losing its lead in aerospace technology.  The US is not even in the running for the lead in advanced railroad technology. Automobile and truck technology has long been a global competition, and the loss of US auto manufacturing would wound employment in Mexico and Canada, but not significantly elsewhere.

The environment continues to be destroyed at a rate exceeding its restoration regardless of the details of civilizational conflicts, although there are macrotrends that act to slow the rate of destruction. 

As long as the High Income countries (aside from the chaos-plagued US) continue to produce pollution-reducing solutions, as Low and Middle Income Countries graduate into the upper tier (and assuming that the World Bank and OECD don't move the dividing lines) their improving governance and economic incentives will lead them to reduce their emissions as well.

As we sum up the effects of US chaos in the five realms of global civilization beyond climate, it appears that short of a global thermonuclear war, the chief threats are related to reduction of silicon and lithium processing capability for computers, photovoltaic power sources and batteries.  These capabilities are concentrated in the Western Pacific, and it's essential that the rest of the world build up resiliency against disruptions there.

As long as environmental and climate deterioration can be reversed, the worst that might happen would be a reversion to the American lifestyle that was pervasive in the 1970s, before everyone had PCs and smartphones. With Total Electric Homes and electric cars in garages, this could be quite tolerable.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Seven simple fixes for US politics

Simple, though totally not at all easy.  But in today's sound-bite environment, simple is a requirement. Half of these could be implanted by individual states without the super high threshold required for Constitutional amendments.

  1. Ranked choice, instant runoff voting. Reduces partisanship (parties hate this) and saves money.
  2. Single, open primaries. Runoff first, with a 2-candidate election from the finalists. An alternative or supplement to preference voting that further enhances voter choice. Parties hate this even more.
  3. Rule-based redistricting.  "Non-partisan commission, appointed by politicians" is an oxymoron.
  4. Population-weighted Senate composition, with a two-Senator baseline, and all seats elected "at large" statewide.  One person, one vote, not one state, two votes, yet preserves a Congress with two distinct Houses with differing perspectives. Fixes the inequities of the Electoral College for free.
  5. Term limits for all Federal elected offices. If it's good enough for the President, it's good enough for Congress and the Supreme Court. Even for the Supreme Court, "Serving during good behavior" notwithstanding, if individual retirement is allowed, then mandatory retirement is obviously also allowed. Mandatory retirement at the age of Social Security would be a bonus.
  6. Rotating membership in the Supreme Court. Keep the nine justices, but every election cycle retire the senior justice and install a new justice from all the justices of the Appellate Courts, selected at random from those who have yet served or from nine who have served least recently. If the Senate fails to confirm a nominee, a new nominee is selected from the Appellate Justices as before.
  7. Mandatory National Guard service. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state," requires that every able-bodied person who possesses a gun be properly trained and organized. This in no way impairs the right to keep arms, and enhances citizens' ability to effectively bear arms. Organizing refresher tours of service by random selection, just like jury duty, should not be excessively burdensome. Every new purchase of a weapon comes with free state-provided training. Free weapons are already provided to volunteer Militiamen; they should be allowed to keep de-automated ones when their tour ends.
The current American political system is not massively broken, but some fundamental defects that weren't intolerable in past eras have been exploited into severe problems. A bit of tuning is in order, and should make it substantially more robust.

Monday, January 01, 2024

Almost as good as free will

Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky has concluded that free will doesn't exist. I mostly agree.

Neurobiologists like Sapolsky, psychologists, and even computer scientists have realized that the brain has multiple components that independently make decisions in different domains, a point which seems to have eluded philosophers for generations.  Sapolsky's point about our inability to "choose what to choose" takes that dissociation far beyond most philosophers' thinking.

Notably missing from discussions about Sapolsky's ideas are the physicist's perspective.  The brain is a material object subject to the laws of quantum mechanics, which most physicists have realized is fully deterministic, following the Schrodinger and Dirac equations with incomprehensible complexity. In order to preserve free will in quantum theory, some creative physicists have concluded that "electrons have free will".

Yet even without absolute free will, our independence from the environment and other people that allows us to think and act on our own as individuals provides for an autonomous will, which should be good enough for practical and legal purposes.

Unrelated: Happy 2024!

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

The Byzantine Generals Problem also applies to politics with lies and misinformation

The classic work on the Byzantine Generals problem, arose in the context of fault-tolerant computing.  The Wikipedia entry on the topic is titled Byzantine Fault.   Thinking about the problem for reasons that I can't recall, I recently realized that it can apply to political systems infested with lies and misinformation. Studies of this aspect are hard to find, if they exist at all.  

Leslie Lamport's 1982 paper is concerned strictly with systems that use only point-to-point communications, rather than political situations where miscommunications are broadcast to audiences of various sizes. Its successors are (almost?) exclusively about improvements to the amount of messages needed to be sent to prevent any faults at all from being concluded.  The remainder are concerned with the consensus mechanisms for cybercurrencies, and rarely go into any mathematical depth about the consensus formation problem itself.  I expected to find discussions of this in the economics or political science literature, but my web search skills, such as they are, didn't uncover any.  Maybe their vocabulary is totally disjoint from the computer science vocabulary?

What political scientists should want to know are things like how the probability of a false consensus varies as the probabilities of any particular general generating a lie, and the number of variably lying generals changes.  If everyone lies, but nobody lies very often, how much worse or better is that then a situation where some generals lie all the time?

The least bad news is that autocracies can be consistently subverted if at least 1/3 of the "lieutenants" fail to follow the generalissimo. The Achilles heel of all the variations seems to be vote-counting systems. Open voting, like legislative roll call votes, appears to be most robust to miscounts. Open counting of secret ballots can also work. It's why vote-counting machines must be fully open source.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Prometheus Unbound - the future of AGI after the OpenAI board upset

For tech spectators and AI participants it's been an exciting weekend.  The dust has not fully settled, but it appears that the most influential AI company will end up keeping its original CEO, but with a new board of directors.  All pretense of being seriously not-really-for-profit and concerned with "AI safety" (whatever that is) is now gone. It may be too soon to understand the detailed ramifications of these changes; some reports have the goal of the latest version of OpenAI's board as tripling its size and reworking yet again its organizational structure to give Sam Altman de jure control in addition to his demonstrated de facto control, with Microsoft playing a more official role this go-round.  Time will tell.

People come and go, but the industry landscape is really determined by the insatiable demand of AI for compute cycles.  To understand AI power relations, "follow the money" turns into "follow the chips".  Who's got the chips now?  Nvidia and Microsoft have introduced a new generation of them. Nvidia's H200 displaces the H100, which now becomes last year's ancient history.  Microsoft introduced its Maia 100 chip a week ago. Google has had its TensorFlow chips for years, as has Amazon AWS with its Inferentia and Trainium chips.  Nvidia powers the vast majority of other AI engines, including those from OpenAI.

If you look at it from the chips and datacenters perspective, the future becomes easy to see.  Instead of a single AGI ruling the universe, we will have a handful of titanic AGI's ostensibly ruling from Silicon Valley instead of the Greek Mount Othrys, although their datacenters are really dispersed worldwide. Unlike the ancient gods, these artificial gods will be under the at least nominal control of their respective corporate masters.

The outcome of the "AI alignment" debate is also now clear. AGI development will be aligned not with "humanity" but with capitalism.  Many people will become wealthy as a result, and a few people will become unimaginably wealthy.  The future of humanity under capitalism has been uncertain for 150 years now, the advent of AGI doesn't really change this.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Post-modern origin of species

In the 1860s we had Charles Darwin's ideas.  Then in the 1940s we had a "modern synthesis" of genetics and population biology.  And in the 1970s and 1980s this was tied to molecular genetics. Now we have attempts to describe speciation in even more fundamental terms.  Forty years later -- t's about time.

Recently two papers have appeared in Nature and PNAS that attempt to show how to identify when natural selection is occurring in an abstract sense that could help to understand how living systems arise from non-biological systems - abiogenesis. They're not quite successful.  In fact, they're so abstract that people are having trouble figuring out even what these theories are trying to do.

An article in Ars Technica is an example of this confusion.  From the perspective of "publish or perish", this is a good thing, since it means that there are plenty of opportunities for easy papers explaining and correcting.

From my perspective, the problem is that they're phenomenological, showing how to recognize species, but not explaining why distinct species should even exist, or how they come about.  They both assume that species come about via natural selection, although there are other mechanisms that can preferentially increase the population of some kinds of objects within a broader spectrum of varieties.  When objects are created and destroyed via some inaccurate replication process, some varieties will take less energy to create, and some will last longer once they're created.  These are called "thermodynamically preferred" varieties, and the laws of non-equilibrium thermodynamics (which are mathematical laws, not physical ones) will determine how fast the populations of these varieties grow and decline.

Then in chemical systems, you'll find that at some varieties have catalytic properties that amplify the rates of creation of other varieties, and, rarely, autocatalytic properties that amplify the rates of creation of themselves. The autocatalytic property may be distributed across a loop or network of reactions in a hypercycle.  Neither paper provides a way to recognize or measure the existence or power of the autocatalytic advantage, although the PNAS paper would ascribe a "function" to it, once it's recognized.

That paper tries to focus on "function", but the focus doesn't really achieve the needed sharpness, because the word is ambiguous.  Human brains are hardwired to see goal-oriented phenomena in as many places as possible. But for most of the history of life, goals didn't exist, and things happened because they followed inevitably from the way they were in the past, rather than happening in order to change the future by approaching an internally represented target state.  In attempting to create an objective definition for function, the paper almost escapes this teleological trap, but you can tell from the uses of the term in other places that the authors hearts haven't really accepted the concept.  Many of the comments to the Ars Technica story attribute this to a conflict of interest with quasi-religious goals of the foundation that funded much of the authors' work.

That's too bad.  The slogan "It goes by itself" needs to become as much of everyone's way of thinking as Galileo's "Nevertheless, it moves" did 400 years ago.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Improving assessment of authentication via some formalization: Preliminary considerations

Authentication used to be easy: collect a username and password, and check the password.  Now it's so complicated that it takes hundreds of pages to specify how it works, and you have to be a talented professional to know if something built to the specification is trustworthy.  

And the requirements for authentication have grown equally large and complex -- a single identity spans multiple implementations, with delegated identities, so authentication is often performed by a different organization than initial registration of an identity, and probably with different policies that need to be coordinated. 

It's no longer possible for a single person to have the privileges and resources to learn and comprehend all the implementations used by a single identity. This means that even if you're a specialist in authentication systems, you can't be sure that the authentication framework that's used by the people that you're responsible for actually fulfills its requirements.  If you're an ordinary user, you can only trust that the social-economic effect of millions of other users like you has enough of a cumulative effect towards trustworthiness that the system is reliably usable.

Perfect trustworthiness is impossible. It's not even possible to clearly and consistently judge how close to perfection we actually attain with real-life systems.  But we can make it easier to understand how it all works and to analyze where the weak points are. Formal methods are the standard recommendation as the way to assure consistency in designs: they replace ambiguous verbal descriptions by strictly defined notations.  But if the problem is complexity, the formal descriptions must be just as complex as the verbal descriptions, and they will make the unattainable demands on the mental capabilities of the security specialists who are trying to use them even greater, since they define yet another language that must be learned and understood, in addition to the natural English of the informal descriptions.

We need tools that will ease the burden of validation of authentication systems by automating the consistency checks themselves. And we need those tools to be usable without imposing their own intolerable complexity demands on their users.

We could start a search for such tools by looking at automated proof assistants, like Coq and Lean.  These turn out to be written for mathematicians, not practicing developers who need to prove the correctness of real-world software, much less application specialists like security analysts.  Maybe we could use languages based on principles learned from proof assistants, such as dependent types.  But no, these are still mostly research projects, and the most promising of them, Agda and Idris, aren't under active development any more, and the dependent type language developed in The Little Typer is a toy language not intended to be used seriously.

Making a long story short, we could look at popular functional languages like Haskell and OCaml, and reject them as being contaminated by too much syntax to learn for the value they provide in utility as modeling tools. (Figuring out what functional languages are good for, if anything, is a continuing adventure.)

In the end, we want a small set of properties in our modeling language:

  • Static typing, because we want to check the model, not execute it.
  • Classic Euler function syntax, i.e. f(x), rather than some Polish notation with too many parentheses (Lisp, typed Racket) or with no parentheses at all (Haskell, OCaml).
  • Functional capability, in order to capitalize on the amazing proof properties of the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence if we can, as well as all the other integrity-enhancing properties of the functional programming paradigm.
  • Minimization of the amount of transformation needed to process JSON descriptions, since we want to describe the essential properties of authentication systems as a finite-state machine, in a simple, well-known data description language like JSON.
A modeling language with these properties won't provide the ability to check for everything we want to confirm about authentication systems (like resistance to side-channel or hardware attacks, or even the standard correctness properties), but they allow us to address several of the biggest concerns: 
  • Completeness: that the descriptions don't have undocumented gaps where loopholes and backdoors can lurk, and that the descriptions themselves aren't so complicated to understand that we inadvertently skip over key parts, and miss important errors that they might contain.
  • Consistency: that all the components of the description fit together as claimed
  • Clarity: that the descriptions don't rest on ambiguities inherent in natural languages in order to achieve a false sense of consistency
  • Absence of hidden weakening: "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." Complex systems contain many points where it is possible for weak cryptography to slip in without notice, often in the form of short or weak keys, or as obsolete, broken algorithms.
  • Key traceability, in two forms:
    • Password identifiability: all users who can create, view or change a password are known. All too frequently, there are privileged administrators who can compromise security without any evidence of their misbehavior being recorded.  This is of course a key concern for privacy maintenance of information that isn't security keys, as well.
    • Auto-generated randomness: many security algorithms are dependent on the system generating a random number that is often immediately used and discarded, but other times may be preserved for a long time, e.g. across system restarts.  It's important to know where these numbers originate from, and that they are cryptographically secure, i.e. unpredictable in the short run as well as unpredictable in the long run.
  • Secure events are securely logged: Logging of key events should be onto write-once media, or distributed onto a public blockchain that is immutably and irretrievably copied.

This gets us to subsets of either Typescript or Gleam as our quasi-formal modeling language.  We'll write about these in a future post.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Foraging as a unifying strategy for neurobehavioral research programs

I follow a few computational and behavioral neuroscientists, and have noticed that they sometimes mention foraging in their research summaries.  I've recently been realizing the brilliance of foraging as a coordinating framework for a research program in those areas.  Foraging provides both evolutionary support and ecological validity to link lab studies with animals' situations in nature, over a vast range of capabilities.  Here's an outline of how that works:

Consider the notation "-->" to mean "provides an evolutionary base for the emergence of".  Then...

Note: the sequence below is not a strict hierarchy; related hierarchies evolve independently in parallel

  • passive foraging (e.g. corals) --> gradient following foraging (jellyfish, mosquitos)
  • gradient following foraging --> path creation foraging (ants, herbivores)
  • path creation foraging --> goal-oriented foraging
  • goal oriented foraging --> route planning
  • route planning --> global optimization of route traversal resources
  • route planning with limited resources --> "mental" route planning
  • mental route planning with limited cognitive resources --> cognitive load management
  • cognitive load management --> mental introspection
  • mental introspection --> consciousness

The perceptual aspects of foraging are multi-factorial, and their evolution is even less strictly hierarchical than foraging as a whole.  Key perceptual transitions include:

  • open field, and path network foraging --> localization of self in an "allocentric" environmental landscape
  • allocentric maps --> distinction between self and other
  • objects with complex properties --> indirect "signs" of foraging goals
  • bounded perceptual processing abilities --> attention
  • attention --> endogenous control of perceptual salience
  • endogenous attentional control --> signification overshoot
  • signification overshoot --> the "hard problem" of consciousness
If you want a career in neuroscience that provides a way to get from hardcore neurosynaptic mapping all the way to the most psychological of mental phenomena short of social interactions, picking foraging as a central topic can give you a wide open field full of tasty topics to work on.

Thinking about the evolutionary transitions driven by the basic need for energy that leads to foraging for food sources in this framework illuminates the long, complex path that it will take to fill in the gaps in the quest to understand how the operations of neurons give rise to mental phenomena.  

It's no wonder that philosophers speak of an "explanatory gap" between the brain and the mind, when there are something like nine levels of abstraction between the two.  It will take much detail work by scientists to fill in the intermediate levels before the concepts become sufficiently "common knowledge" that philosophers can comprehend them and recognize the absence of any magic supernatural connection between them, or even any scientistic faith in some unknown kind of materialist connection.  But then, replacement of thought-stopping mystery by knowledge-driven awe at the complexity of nature has always been the role of scientists.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Subsidizing green mines could reduce bitcoin's environmental damage

As one of the largest consumers of electricity in the world, it is important to reduce the climate impact of bitcoin mining by incentivizing mine operators to reduce their use of fossil-fueled energy.  While it is still not the best and highest use of that energy, a bitcoin mine powered by dedicated solar, wind, hydro, or natural hydrogen sources does minimal harm to the atmosphere. Because their only product is small amounts of internet traffic and waste heat, mining datacenters can even be located near their power sources, eliminating the need for expensive, hard to approve long distance transmission lines.

Bitcoin investors and users are likely to be willing to pay a small premium for bitcoins and bitcoin transactions that promote environmentally sound mining practices. Bitcoin exchanges can deliver this premium to green and gold mines via the mining pools that they use, despite the untraceability of failed hash computations.  Exchanges can enhance their brands by working with mining pools to develop certification programs that validate the environmental impacts of the bitcoin mines that they work with.  These incentives will provide bitcoin mine operators with additional motivation to use renewable energy beyond those sources' steadily increasing cost advantage.

Green, Blue, Gray, and Gold bitcoin mines

But that doesn't leave carbon footprints of bitcoin mining totally unmanageable. A way to begin is to start tracking the environmental impact of each bitcoin mine.  Identifying and documenting the details of each mine is not really feasible, but we can take a lead from the hydrogen production industry, and identify three major categories of impact.  "Green mines" are mines that are powered exclusively by renewable energy. "Blue mines" are mines that may be powered by non-renewable sources, but which take the output of those sources and effectively mitigate their impact, most likely by sequestering the carbon dioxide those generators produce.  Those datacenters in the Permian Basin that consume excess natural gas to mine bitcoin are halfway to blue bitcoin, but they need to take their CO2 exhaust and pump it back into the ground.  The could even use that CO2 in its supercritical form for enhanced recovery of oil, but it would be an accounting nightmare to try to track the secondary CO2 produced by burning that oil.  Failing to disqualify enhanced recovery uses for a "blue mining" label would create a serious loophole in a labeling program.  Mining operations that use fossil electricity without carbon capture would be called "Gray mines".  Powering a bitcoin mine with electricity from geothermal sources or with geological natural hydrogen could even be called "gold mining".

Projects like the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index that report the global energy consumption of bitcoin mining don't link individual mines to their energy consumption, but instead estimate the type of equipment that mines are likely to be using, with mine locations based on anonymized, voluntary reports from mining pools. They could enhance their environmental impact assessments by incorporating government data on regional power production mixes, and such estimates can affect individual mine managers' power sourcing decisions indirectly via their mining pools.

There's another version of this note on Medium with more context.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Pricing monoclonal antibody treatments

The FDA has approved another treatment for early-stage Alzheimer's Disease that targets the amyloid plaques that are a hallmark of its effects on the brain.  The treatment—lecanemab, brand-name Leqembi, made by pharmaceutical companies Eisai and Biogen—is an intravenous monoclonal antibody that targets amyloid-beta proteins, which accumulate in plaques in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. Researchers have not yet conclusively determined if amyloid plaques are a root cause of the disease.  There are many things that go wrong in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, and it may be wishful thinking to look for a "silver bullet" single treatment..

Like aducanumab, side effects of lecanemab can be severe, even life-threatening, and like acucanumab, Medicare will pay for the treatment only in the context of an ongoing clinical study.  As of this writing, no studies are planned, which means that only wealthy people will actually get the treatment.

Eisai and Biogen have priced lecanemab at $26,500 for a year's supply. To many people who only see drug prices for over-the-counter products, that seems like a lot of money.  But is it really?

It's a basic principle of price identification in capitalism for sellers to charge "all that the market will bear", and let competition between sellers exist in order to generate a functioning market. Patents for things like drugs prohibit the market-based pricing mechanism from existing, and all we're left with is monopolistic pricing, where the "competition" is the willingness of the buyer to do without the product. When the buyer's alternative is death, this mechanism doesn't work well.

Putting a price on a long, slow decline to death isn't easy, but that doesn't stop people. According to a press release from the company, Eisai has devised a mathematical formula to compute the lifespan quality of life alleviated by their product given its measured effectiveness, and priced it substantially below that. If you believe their formula and the results of their clinical trials, it's a good deal.

Like aducanumab/Aduhelm, lecanemab is a monoclonal antibody, so its pricing can be compared to monoclonal antibodies used as treatments for other diseases. The 42 monoclonal antibody treatments listed by pharmacy discounter GoodRx have a median price per dose of $5275, ranging from the government-set $3/dose for some Covid-19 treatments to $239,020/dose for a chemotherapy treatment.

The Alzheimer's treatment from Eisai is given 24 times a year, making its price $1104/dose. Compared to other monoclonal antibody treatments for other diseases, 80% cheaper per dose coud be considered to be pretty low priced.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Who are official directives to wear face masks protecting? Not you.

Two years into the Covid-19 pandemic, the landscape of the risk and what to do about it has changed.  But the response of public health officials and experts and random people with opinions has not.  The data on what's happening is still bad, so even the most thoughtful of expert assessment isn't as good as it really needs to be.  And the politicization of the response has created a situation where public statements have to be phrased in a way that impels people to do the right thing even if it's for the wrong reasons and supported by inappropriate facts.

The general population can't distinguish between the virus (SARS-Cov-2) and the disease (Covid-19).  The public health surveillance data for the virus is much better than the data for the disease.  This means that even experts who should know better talk about them as if they were the same.  They end up fighting the virus, not the disease.  Journalists who need a hot, grabby story are motivated to find the most severe way to write or talk about the pandemic.

Here's how to think about the situation if you want to react in a more sophisticated way than by following guidance that is oversimplified so that it can motivate the entire population, even those parts of the population that need super-simple instructions or are skeptical of or even opposed to official directives.

Basic principles

  • Reduce exposure to the virus
    • Stay away from confined areas with poor ventilation
    • If you have to go into risky areas, with lots of people who may be infectious, protect yourself - wear a good mask.
  • Reduce your susceptibility to the disease by getting vaccinated and boosted

Rules to protect yourself

  • Vaccination is better than masking
  • Boosters make vaccination even more effective
  • Any mask is better than no mask
  • Wearing a mask while being vaccinated is better than either one alone
  • Cloth or surgical masks protect the people around you more than they protect you
  • To protect yourself, wear a standard rated mask
    • There are lots of standards: N95, KN95, FFP2, KF94, and more.  It took a bit of searching to find a thorough survey of most of the important ones.
    • A rated mask with a valve protects you, but it doesn't protect people around you.  So use a mask without a valve.  If you are infectious but still feel OK (asymptomatic), don't infect others inadvertantly. Even that article misses this point.
Ventilation is an important defense against all airborne risks, but it's complicated to understand and assess, and can be expensive to improve.  It would be nice if some entrepreneur could figure out how to make good ventilation something worth buying.

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Mini-review of Alastair Reynolds' "Eversion"

Alastair Reynolds is in the top tier of my favorite authors.  Eversion is his latest novel.  It's probably best read as a mystery story, with the mystery being what novelistic form is it following.

Is it sci-fi horror, like Reynolds' own Diamond Dogs?  Is it a series of parallel, interlinked stories set in different time frames, like David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, or Simon Ings' Dead Water?  Or is the linkage between the stories a psychic one, like Philip K. Dick's Ubik? It contains a scary, mysterious object, like H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness, or Iain M. Banks' Excession. And the object turns out to have a mathematical character, like many of the objects in the stories in Clifton Fadiman's collections Fantasia Mathematica and The Mathematical Magpie. The problem with the object might be related to the problem of sphere eversion.

Without giving away a significant spoiler, it turns out to be all of these, and more. Fitting all these challenges together is a high challenge, and Reynolds almost succeeds.  But Reynolds is not really a stylist, and this kind of story needs absolute mastery of style in order to make its shifts of context enjoyable.  The stylists in the list above, Mitchell and Ings, don't have the command of technology to make Eversion's other demands succeed, though. If I were more of a fan of horror, I might have found it totally satisfying. I'm hard to please.

Bookseller note: Goodreads is owned by Amazon, so take its bookseller recommendations with a grain of salt.  I try not to buy from Amazon these days, because of its anti-competitive practices.  But it's hard to find any large company these days that doesn't have an anti-competitive streak.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Too much planning to survive can reduce survival

It's a long, strange path that our ancestors have taken to get to our level of cognitive processing.  It's understandable, but not forgivable, that many philosophers don't bother tracking it all the way through from microbial beginning to the latest cultural edifices.

Everyone knows that evolution works by "survival of the fittest".  Which is almost a tautology since "fitness" is defined in terms of number of descendants who survive to reproduce themselves.

Less well understood is how species with complex individual members come about.  It occurs because there is always variation in complexity, and some variants acquire increased fitness by virtue of some aspects of their complexity.  Because "there is always room at the top", there's a general trend towards ecosystems hosting populations with greater complexity.

Then at some point in the evolution of greater and greater complexity, the ability of individuals to make plans can appear.  This can take a long time, but nature can take as much time as it needs; it's not on any particular schedule.

Among the things that planning can do, is make plans to survive.  An organism that can make plans intended to enhance its survival in certain situations (and then execute those plans) will have a greater likelihood of surviving those situations than an organism that just reacts to the immediate aspects of them.

However, the process of planning consumes cognitive resources and attention.  Computational and game-theoretic analyses of the planning process have shown that comprehensive planning involves a search through a space of all possible sequences of actions that grows exponentially in the size of the problem space, or equivalently in the depth of search traversed before a particular plan of action is abandoned in favor of an alternative.  The game of chess is the classic example of planning in a situation whose solution is beyond the capability of any human or computer yet built.

Cognitive resources used by planning might be more effective in enhancing survival if they were applied to reacting quickly and precisely to situations, rather than focusing on planning.  The stereotype of the "absent-minded professor" is an example of this kind of misallocation of resources.

Thus, the most effective kind of planning is resource-bounded, making  heuristic estimates rather than carrying the planning through to a conclusion.  This creates an inverted-U shaped function of the effectiveness of planning in enhancing survival vs the amount of resources applied to planning.  

Maximizing survival involves finding the sweet spot between planning and action.  Finding and maintaining planning activities at this sweet spot requires identifying and controlling the depth and comprehensiveness of planning.  Ability to exercise this kind of control provides its own survival advantages, with its own inverted-U properties.  

Higher order control of planning is one of the cognitive processes involved in consciousness.  Recognizing this provides part of the answer to the questions of the usefulness of consciousness, and to the evolutionary origin of consciousness.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Passkeys - a password killer at last?

 Betteridge's Law of Headlines is right again.  Nope.

Ars Technica has an enthusiastic article triggered by an announcement that a few more companies have jumped on the FIDO Alliance Passkey bandwagon.  The Ars commentariat remains skeptical.

I've not yet encountered a passkey authentication prompt in the wild, so maybe that bandwagon isn't rolling as fast as its sponsors would like you to believe.  The key thing to try to understand is who the audience for passkeys is: It's the connected person in a connected world.  If you're a person who has a phone, a smart watch, a notebook, and a desktop PC, and your house has an Amazon Echo or three, and you despair of keeping your accounts synchronized and secure, passkeys might help.

If you're a low-tech person, or a security-conscious person who doesn't trust the ability of tech giants to create and manage securely interoperable infrastructure, this is just more unwanted complexity.

For example, my Mother lives in a small town, and her bank's website doesn't support even basic SMS or voice callback two-factor authentication, because their customer base is so unsophisticated that they wouldn't tolerate the hassle.

Enormous companies like ATT are so disorganized that they can't manage a two-factor system that supports more than one phone at a time.  To think that they'll be able to do a clean, secure job of deploying passkey technology is laughable.

Yubico, who makes security tokens, has a nice chart showing how deeply dependent passkeys are on having smart devices fully connected to the cloud.  If you ever travel out of range of cell service, you're out of luck.

Keep buying the latest and greatest model of all your devices, and you be OK most of the time.  Stay in your box, and you'll be fine.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

What is it like to be yourself?

Thomas Nagel's famous essay "What is it like to be a bat?" has been impairing people's ability to think about consciousness for some 48 years.  That's a remarkable accomplishment.  It would take a far longer article than we have space for here to survey all the writing it has stimulated, but there is a bit of news to remark about.

Nagel's philosophical goal is to convince you that there are important aspects of consciousness that are beyond the reach of science.  His major method in doing this is to first, convince you that he understands consciousness better than you do.  This is hard, because as a conscious person, you have uncontrovertible knowledge of your own consciousness. But for many readers, and especially trained thinkers like philosophers, he amazingly succeeds.  There are two primary ways that he makes this happen.

First, he commits a basic rhetorical fallacy, closely related to the "appeal to authority" that is in every list of rhetorical blunders.  I've come to call his error "argument by failure of imagination" and it goes like this:

  1. I'm a smart person. (This is the appeal to authority. Nagel is a well regarded professional philosopher, and part of the job of a philosopher is to perform smartness.)
  2. I've studied this topic thoroughly.  The topic contains a problem X.
  3. In my studies, I've covered every imaginable solution to X.
  4. I've failed to find a solution. I can't imagine how X might be true.
  5. Therefore X is false.
Nagel explicitly concludes "our minds are not constituted to be able to understand the consciousness of bats".

This conclusion is in conflict with the mathematical discovery, in about 1936, independently by Alan Turing, Alonzo Church, and Emil Post, that certain classes of systems that manipulate sentences can perform any possible sequence of manipulation of sentences.  In short, that anyone who can read, write, and follow directions can think any thinkable thought.

This invalidates the jump from step 4 to step 5 in the imaginative fallacy. Just because you haven't found an answer doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  Some problems take a long time to solve, and maybe you just haven't spent enough time on it.  Or maybe you're just a stick-in-the-mud, and need to be more creative.  In my experience, most philosophers aren't nearly as creative as they think they are.

It's a remarkable fact about the diffusion of knowledge that thinkers about consciousness have not incorporated this result into their arguments for scores of years - nearly 90 years by now.

To help you think about the consciousness of other kinds of animals than your own species, Ed Yong has published a new book “An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us”.  It's been reviewed in the New Yorker and many other places.

If you are able to reject Nagel's unimaginability argument, Yong's book embodies a method to gradually increase your imaginative capability until you actually achieve the ability to successfully imagine what it's like to be a bat.  Maybe we don't have enough information about the details of the sensory equipment of bats, or the ways that bats' brains process sensory information, but that only means that your understanding of bat consciousness isn't totally accurate, not that there is some fundamental barrier to any understanding whatsoever.

Now, a perceptive philosopher might argue that it's one thing to know all the facts about bat perception and bat consciousness, but it's another thing to know "what it is like to be" a bat.  This snag was embodied by philosopher Frank Jackson in a thought exercise about a vision scientist named Mary, who knows everything there is to know about vision, but is color blind.  Then through a miraculous medical treatment, Mary's disability is cured, and she can now see in full color.  The question is "has Mary learned anything new?"  The conceptual failure by Jackson, and every other discussion that I've read about Mary's situation, is that "knowledge about vision" is not simply a bag of unconnected facts.  If Mary is anything like a real vision scientist, she has constructed a mental model of visual perception systems, and beyond that, she's able to mentally operate that model to provide it with simulated visual stimuli, and watch it produce simulated visual experiences.  When Mary's treatment is complete, and she compares her real experience with the simulated experience that she's been studying all those years, she learns just one thing: "Was I right?" And of course she was.

If you study bats in enough detail, and build a sufficiently accurate mental model of the bat's mind and experiences, you too can operate that model and experience what it is like to be a bat.

If you somehow believe that having a bat's experience inside your own mind is not the same in some important way as being the bat's mind without a host mind, then you have other problems.
  1. experiencing what it is like to be a bat (impossible)
  2. experiencing what it is like to be a cat (impossible)
  3. experiencing what it is like to be an ape (impossible)
  4. experiencing what it is like to be someone of the opposite sex (men and women are inescapably, mysteriously different)
  5. experiencing what it is like to be someone of the same sex (impossible. Sorry, bro.)
  6. experiencing what it is like to be your twin sibling (impossible)
  7. experiencing what it is like to be yourself (impossible)
All those self-help admonitions to "just be yourself" would turn out to be impossible tasks.  Thousands of years of writing about the virtue of self-knowledge would turn out to be aspirations that can never be achieved.

Isn't it time to throw Nagel's argument out for good, and learn to understand how empathy really works?

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Where to spend a billion dollars improving the world? Desalination tech R&D.

Updated at the end...

Conor Friedorsdorf has a columm in The Atlantic.  This week, he asked " Say you received $1 billion to spend on improving the world. How would you spend it? Why? "

My first reaction was "only a billion?"  That probably won't even get you a seat on the board of Twitter. It might take a hundred billion to buy out Mark Zuckerberg's privileged shares of Facebook.

How about making an impact on a major global public health issue?  In 2016 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced that they would be spending $4 billion through 2021 in the fight against malaria.  Their current commitment is apparently down to about $250 million per year.

For a mere billion dollars, you're going to need to spend the money on something that will have significant leverage.  For ongoing impact, the best thing would be not to spend the entire amount all at once, but to invest the billion, and harvest the income that it produces, while reserving enough to keep the principal growing at a slow rate. That income might be $100 million a year if you choose good investment managers.

Then target your gifts at subjects that will themselves provide leverage.  For $100 million a year, you can sponsor free broadband Starlink satellite internet for about 50,000 households.  That's almost exactly the number of households in the Navajo Nation counted by the 2010 census.  With an unemployment rate approaching 50% and a population that mostly resides in a desert landscape far from urbanized areas, often without electricity or running water, internet access will create a launchpad to education and job opportunities that are inaccessible today.

But improving the lives of a hundred thousand people or so is far from "improving the world".  We need even more leverage. This means investing in technology to improve the world, in order to lower its cost and make it available to people whose lifestyles are not yet improved to the levels that the rest of us enjoy.

The basics are, as usual:

0. Stable governments and economic systems.  It's hard to see how these can be achieved by spending money.
1. Clean water
2. Electricity
3. Communications technology. Over the long term, education enabled by widespread internet access can lead to improved government, until advanced social media algorithms enhance factionalism and social unrest.

The adjectives "affordable", and "universal" go along with each of these.  According to the World Bank, there are nearly 700 million people with incomes below $1.90 per day.  That $1 billion could give each of them a one-time gift of $1.42.  The huge number of radically poor people creates a serious challenge to any attempts to lower costs on the basics to the "affordable" level for the goal of "improving the world".  But if we don't work on it, we'll surely never achieve it.

Electricity is making great progress towards becoming "too cheap to meter".  If you put solar panels on the roof of your house, you've already got that unmetered power. Your panels feed into your house wiring on your side of the electric meter, and their power doesn't get metered unless your panels overproduce and you sell your excess back to the grid.  Global investment in solar and other renewable power sources is huge, and it's very difficult to find an aspect of it where an additional billion dollar investment would make a significant impact.

So consider access to clean water  While great progress has been made in improving this situation, in 2020 nearly 500 million people still did not have access to safe drinking water, according to WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation. In many places, installing a simple pumped well or capturing rainwater can solve their problem.  

However, water in desert and near-desert areas is not so easy to obtain. There are many coastal areas where the demand for water exceeds the supply, such as Southern California or the Middle East, and large-scale desalination systems are already in operation.  Even far from coastal areas where fresh well water is absent or depleted, there are often brackish aquifers that are unsuitable for drinking as they come out of the ground, but can be made drinkable with minor desalination.  Desalination of groundwater is already affordable in places as far inland as El Paso, Texas.  With cheap solar electricity abundant in sunny desert climates, the energy efficiency of desalination is not so much of a problem.

If there's no groundwater or rainfall available at all, it's tempting to look to air capture of the water vapor in the atmosphere.  In a few places in the world, it never actually rains, but local weather conditions produce foggy days with high humidity where condensation equipment might be already effective.  But in the deep desert with relative humidity in single digit percentages, it's necessary to process a lot of air in order to obtain a few liters per day of drinkable water.  With cheap solar panels, this might be affordable.

I would spend my hundreds of millions of income from that billion dollars in funding R&D towards lowering the cost of water processing.  The demand is insatiable and warming climates are making drought a new normal state.
The Atlantic published Friedersdorf's summary of the comments he received. 

Desalination and water treatment was the solution offered by a couple of other writers as well.  Of the other suggestions, the ones that I liked best were concerned with strengthening the bottom of the food chain, by encouraging agricultural practices that enhance the soil, and by simply buying up tropical rainforests, removing them from the threat of clearcutting by exploiting capitalism against its more short-sighted impulses.  The latter is of course, exactly what the tropical programs of The Nature Conservancy do.

I thought that the suggestion to make profiting in any way from untrue speech unlawful, just like making false claims about material products is already illegal, was interesting.  It might be difficult to phrase such laws to prevent criminalization of fiction writing or even telling kids about Santa Claus, though.

Sunday, March 06, 2022

The long game in Ukraine

In the excitement of the start of an invasion, there's not much discussion of how this situation might play out in the long term.  Here are some thoughts.

In a modern war, the losses for every side exceed their gains - there are no longer true winners. “Winning” means losing less than the other guy.

Economic losses for Russia are larger than economic losses for Ukraine, simply because Russia is larger. Russia has lost already, even if they don’t know it.

But Putin’s eyes are on empire, not on his peoples’ welfare. An empire of destitute serfs is still an empire.

Militarily, the fall of Kyiv and replacement of its government by a puppet “Belarus South” would be satisfactory to Putin. Nothing less is likely to suffice.

Even if he has to back out this time, he's going to keep trying one way or another.

It looks to me like there are three strategies that lead to continued Ukrainian independence.

1. Regime change in the Kremlin. This is unlikely. Even without Putin as leader, a new Putin-wannabe is likely to take his place. Russia’s repressive kleptocratic bureaucracy will take generations to replace, regardless of who leads it.

2. Protracted insurgency: Ukraine becomes a European Afghanistan. The Afghanis beat back the Russians in the 1980s and the Americans in the 2000s. The Ukrainians appear to have the spirit to do the same.

History blog A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry has an extensive review.

3. Logistical interdiction. Napoleon famously observed that “an army travels on its stomach.” Houstonians have experience with being stuck in a 40-mile long traffic jam. Now imagine one in wintertime!

As long as the west can keep Ukrainian troops supplied with ammo and anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, and keep Ukrainian planes in the air, targeting fuel trucks can keep Russian troops trapped in their vehicles, waiting to be taken prisoner when they run out of supplies.

Experts remain baffled about why Ukraine is not attacking that famous 40-mile long convoy on its way to Kyiv.  Maybe they know that the convoy has stalled out on its own, and they're deploying their scarce resources elsewhere.

Alex Vershinin’s analysis at War on the Rocks last November has details on Russia's logistical doctrine.

If we see Russian forward bases being built and roads being kept open for supplies, this strategy will have failed. But so far, the kind of construction that the US performed at Baghram Air Base in Afghanistan is not being reported in Ukraine.

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation

The US Federal Reserve has released its long-awaited study of a digital dollar, exploring the pros and cons of the much-debated issue and soliciting public comment.

 Here's what I think, in the form of my comments on the 22 questions that paper requests feedback on.

CBDC Benefits, Risks, and Policy Considerations

The reasoning behind an intermediated CBDC is very unclear.  Why shouldn't the CBDC be fully disintermediated?  That is, individuals and institutions could deal directly with a new division of the Federal Reserve.

A CDBC would be likely to have a minor effect of increasing financial inclusion, unless it is implemented as an automatic service (with an opt-out feature) associated with registration for Social Security, tax refund, or other process involving government payments.
It would decrease the time-to-effect of monetary policy decisions, if the Federal Reserve would choose to act directly on CBDC accounts rather than adjust banking policies.  This would increase the bandwidth of fluctuations in monetary indicators, permitting volatility that is not measurable by existing means, and introducing new avenues for uncontrolled arbitrage, thereby reducing stability.
 It could drive certain financial intermediaries, such as Plaid, Inc. out of business, by providing a low-friction way to create new linkages between accounts in differing financial institutions.

It could make leveraged and weakly or non-collateralized stablecoins even more obviously untethered to their supposed underlying currency than they already are.
The greatest advantages of a CBDC over conventional payment systems are its reduced risk and reduced costs relative to for-profit institutions, and relative to non-profit institutions due to its scale.

Reduced risk is intrinsic to the existence of a CBDC; it cannot be fully compensated for, but the development of insurance programs for loss and transaction failure beyond existing programs such as FDIC could make progress towards equalizing this advantage.

Transaction fees on CBDC activity would mitigate the threat to existing financial institutions due to its reduced cost. These fees would act as a source of income for the Federal Reserve, and help make CBDC operations self-funding.
 It is vitally important to preserve a means for users without smartphones or mobile computers to interact with the payment system. A single-purpose CBDC device available at no cost could fulfil this need.
In-person payments are in the process of evolving to become fully frictionless via biometric means such as face recognition, although serious security issues remain unresolved.  Wearable or implantable RFID authentication may be an important component of this.

Cross-border payments are being disrupted by stablecoins and other internet-based transfers; their future success remains unclear due to varying regulatory regimes in different nations.
 Any Federal Reserve CBDC must always be the most trusted, stable, and authoritative of any nation's CBDC.
Transparency of operations and open designs and design processes are a key method for reducing the risk of long-lasting defects in complex systems.
Transparency of linkage of CBDC deposits to other forms of dollars was not dicussed.  Processes and stakeholders for arriving at a technical design of a CBDC were not discussed.
 Privacy and traceability are intrinsically at odds.  As we have seen innumerable times, no software system can be guaranteed secure.  Privacy will inevitably be breached, if not by direct criminal hacking, then by insiders abusing authorized access.  Policies for authorized breaches of privacy should be documented in detail.
US HIPAA and EU GDPR regulations are a starting point but not sufficient.  It should be required that account holders be able to obtain the transitive closure of all transfers of PII between processors of CBDC funds from a small number of sources, yet not so small that documenting privacy boundaries itself leads to erosion of privacy.  This is as difficult problem.The Federal Reserve should create a program funding academic research in this topic as part of its studies of CBDC designs.  This program should include organizational design within its scope.
It should go without saying that the design and implementation of a CBDC must follow best practices in system security engineering and system development lifecycle (SDLC) processes. NIST Special Publication 800-160 may be a useful guide in designing these development processes.
In particular, all software and system designs for a CBDC must be open source, with well-funded "bug bounties", including development and operational tools such as compilers and load managers.  CBDC operations must have world-class system support and software distribution capabilities, including update QA and delivery.

 If CBDC deposits are assets of the US Federal Reserve, denominated in dollars, they must be legal tender as comprehensively as physical dollars.

CBDC Design

 Interest on CBDC accounts could be a valuable tool for managing the money supply. It can also make CBDC deposits resilient to inflation.
 The Federal Reserve and Congress must determine the degree to which they wish to indemnify users against losses due to user errors, crimes, or errors by the system itself.  This amount must be less than an amount that would cause significant impact to the national and global financial system.
 I fail to see a real advantage to intermediating a CBDC, unless that intermediation consists of the creation of a new quasi-governmental agency to administer CBDC accounts.  While it provides a way to jump start CBDC administration, intermediation by existing institutions such as banks simply provides them with a new profit center with a lower risk profile, while adding little .
 Global and even nationwide cell phone and internet connectivity cannot be assumed, thus an offline mode is necessary for a national CBDC. Because distributed database integrity protocols such as two-phase commit are complex, CBDC accounts should need to implement only a simple "offline mode" protocol.
A simple offline mode would lock out online transactions and permit only a single device to implement offline transactions, with withdrawals limited to the account balance.  Exiting offline mode would replay the accumulated transactions into the online system as a batch process.
System to system access is typically authenticated via "API Keys" that are functionally equivalent to passwords.  While passwords have come to be regarded as inadequately secure, and a number of secure alternatives are in wide use, API keys persist due to lack of well-known alternatives.  The Federal Reserve may need to commission an agency such as NIST to organize the development and standardization of a secure system-to-system authentication protocol based on public key technology, incorporating standards for secure key management. 

 Advances in quantum computing and cryptography could pose a serious threat to the confidentiality and integrity of CBDC transactions, not to mention all other financial transactions. The ability of state actors to access quantum and quantum-like computations significantly in advance of those publicly disclosed, and to use them to disrupt CBDC and other financial processes should not be discounted.
CDBC encryption and authentication algorithms and protocols should incorporate cryptographic agility properties in order to support timely implementation of cryptographic security advances as they become available.
 In order to be useful to all citizens, CBDC applications and systems should be designed from the outset with accessibility and usability in mind. US coins and bills are notoriously difficult to distinguish, yet design improvements are nearly impossible to implement.  CBDC systems have an opportunity to avoid such errors. To advance financial inclusion, CBDC functions should be easy to learn by people inexperienced with financial systems and terminology and even with their supporting technologies such as phone apps and web pages.

To provide support for advanced uses, every CBDC operation should have a counterpart API, adhering to well-documented standards.